Best Moments of Life!!
To fall in love.
To laugh until it hurts your stomach.
To find mails by the thousands when you return of the vacations.
To clear your last exam.
To hear accidentally that somebody says something good of you.
To wake up and realize it is still possible to sleep a couple of hours.
To hear a song that makes you remember a special person.
To feel butterflies! in the stomach every time that you see that Person ..
See an old friend again and to feel that the things did not change.
To have somebody who tells you that (s)he loves you.
To laugh ......laugh........and laugh ...... remembering Stupid things by Stupid friends.
To see people that you like, feeling happy.
To be part of close net of friends.
The first onsite trip ;)
To meet ur luved ones at the *Arrival Lobby*!!
To wake up and realize its an holiday :D!!
Calls at the midnight that last for hours :))
To manage for a vacation at some pretty place on the fly.
To listen to your favorite song in the ipod ;).
First day of the First job!!
Those freaky weekend outings :D!!
To smile by the flickering of ur cell display when a message recvd from dear ones.
Those pranks thrown by friends!!
To spend time under the canopy of moon light!!
To be in the womb of mother nature!!
Sipping to hot koffee and to listen while it rains out!!
To surprise ur luved ones!!
truely the Best Moments of LIFE !!!
We were Branded ...Commented!!
Although I never shared this with anyone n will ever never do share!! doing it now for P3A... felt lyke Commenting/Sharing my thoughts to Pakku's on my page... being bit selfish abt my thoughts and friendship... ;-)!!
Sudden bang on the door and i find tvp n a stranger entering into my room!! The first thing i noticed abt the stranger was his 'green-bag' n his tall stature!! which remains eternal n integral part of him even today ;)!! I presume he preserves that 'green' bag even today...!! He was such tall that i hated to lift my head n look at him...:D!! not in comparison with Giant Gonzales of WWF fame though ;)!! Then tvp introduces so called 'The-Tall-Guy' to me...!! saying he is Prakash n his lab-mate...!! As soon as i heard his name i felt lyke entire place was engulfed with 'light'!! At tat moment i knew very lil that he will be one of my closestestestest friend...!! That was the first catch-up of pakku's glimpse!!
Now I didnt knew the second meet of pakku wud again be in the same manner...but the only difference was that he was accompanied by one more stranger to me!! Pakku would have leapt in his wonder seeing me laying in the same place again :))!! I greeted pakku with a smile...!! but there was this new guy who was very observant and was in hurry to leave as it was short break before the commence of next period!! for me he felt to be a punctual right-on-time guy...!! till date its been the same, always first to reach well before the scheduled time...:D!! as usual with our own tvp who always makes last-minute-entry was convincing him to stay for some more time..!! Again tvp comes into the act of introducing this new guy to me!! yes it was Pramod SV(SV as we call)!! Although that was the first face-to-face with SV...!! later use to meet these ppl freq in the Bangalore-Shimoga train which leaves at 6.30 from bangalore!! I always remember SV as gobbledygook!! whenever i spoke with him he use to throw some jargons...!! no wonder he was 'CHIP-Guy' who carried loads of passion and aspiration of becoming a Software Engineer...!!
Since i was not from there branch in my first year of BE!! i didnt meet them regularly on daily basis!! but use to hear a lot from my room-mate, bench-mate, class-mate Pradeep TV. Now what can i say about tvp urf deepu!! i dont even remember exactly when i met him for the first time!! May be I have to ask my parents about that....!! but to give him a formal entry i must say we knew each other from kinder-garten days!! he possessed a very devil-may-care look...n always tough from outer look!! always ahead in the group!! whether it may be participation in a cultural event or in studies!! he use to leave a strong mark!! But we become very closestestestest during our Engineering days!!
Later when I moved to CS stream after first year... the one which i always opted for from my school days!! i had a close knit of buddies by then !! From the 4th sem project we were very well known as 'gang-of-four' P3A by our classmates and prof!! we were jelling well together... although we were 4 different directions as individuals but were always/will-be fulcrum on the bondage called as 'FRIENDSHIP'.
'I do' cherish all those beautiful moments 'we' spent together!!
'I do' enjoy spending rest of my lyfe 'all' together!!
'I do' remember those wonderful and sweetest things we have 'always' shared together!!
'I do' treasure ur 'GoodSelf's for ever together!!
Today when i look back, all of them are 'rock'ing rather 'stone'ing in there arenas!! I wish the dream of starting a own Concern someday will be accomplished!!
Truely Friends remain Forever!!
cheerios to my closestestest net of 'BUDS' pakku, sv and tvp!!